Наукові конференції України, VII Міжнародна конференція «Правове регулювання суспільних відносин в умовах демократизації Української держави» 2017 р.

Розмір шрифту: 
Undiplomatic times of a very diplomatic country
В.Є. Слівак

Остання редакція: 2017-06-03

Тези доповіді

72 years ago nearly 80 thousand of Japanese people died simultaneously in Hiroshima due to the first atomic bombing in the world history. 3 days later the number was nearly doubled with one more atomic bomb being dropped on another Japanese city – Nagasaki. Even though deaths have always been one of inevitable results of any war, the world’s community still engages in the painful moral torture of wondering whether or not President Truman’s decision was right.  According to the recent survey made by Pew Research Center in the year 2015, the majority of Americans, particularly 56% still believes in the necessity of such measure [1]. However, despite such tremendous fact, this article is dedicated to the objection of Harry Truman’s decision and is written in order to put an emphasize on the greatest mistake made by the United States of America.

First and foremost, in order to give an objective argumentation to the ex-pressed above statement, the situation has to be considered from two different points of view, that include American and Japanese position.

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